mp3 music player highlighting plush artists and records

  Djengo Hartlap    
- ear attitude, studio engineer, musician


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The man behind the ears with the finishing touch to all the plush releases; mastering as an art of listening and bringing into sharper focus the complex world of frequency, dynamic and sound. In obvious pocession of a broad musical culture, aswell as a bass the instrument of preference, he has an indispensable hand on the inner workings of Plush.

La touche finale, l’art du mastering…Du studio au live, Djengo Hartlap est l’ingénieur du son de nombre de formations du jazz contemporain et des musiques électroniques. Oreille indispensable de Plush, il met sa maîtrise de la spatialisation sonore et des jeux de fréquence au service de toutes les créations du label.

for more info & releases : download pdf here